This site is currently in development, but feel free to look around.

Hello there, I’m 両津 and welcome to my site/project/rant. I’m not sure how you found me, but I’m glad you’re here.

The goal of this site is to help you (yes, you!) transition to reading Japanese in the way you are reading this page (i.e. without looking every other word up). That means reading books, manga, newspapers, etc. created by Japanese native speakers for Japanese native speakers as if you too were a native speaker. If native-level fluency in Japanese has been a goal of yours—as it has been for me—then you’ve come to the right place.

The way that I’ll help you reach your goal is rather simple: I’ll get you reading native content right away. Simply put, there’s no way to get to reading native content without actually reading native content. It will be fun, I promise. To help you retain the vocabulary you learn along the way, I’ll be providing you some custom spaced repetition software. This ~FREE~ app will integrate the native content that I’ll be sending you to make your progress transparent and efficient. All you have to do is complete the reading and reviews that are provided each day, and you’ll be off to reading the content of your choosing in no time!

To get started, click here to find out the what and why behind this site. To learn more about how to use this site, click here. To signup for the SRS app and weekly content, click here.